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Joining forces for
sustainable process water

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Joining forces for sustainable process water

Sustainable water management is important in a water-driven economy such as Flanders.

Waterkracht will recycle wastewater from 600,000 residents and repurpose it into cooling water for the Port of Antwerp. This allows us to save 20 billion litres of water per year. Great news for the circular economy.

Waterkracht in facts and figures

20 billion litres of wastewater per year will be repurposed into cooling water for the Port of Antwerp-Bruges
Equivalent to water consumption by 600,000 residents or 270,000 households
Circular project as part of the Flemish Government’s Blue Deal
100 million EUR direct and indirect investments
In the Port of Antwerp-Bruges
Operational in 2026

‘Every drop we can reuse is a drop we do not have to pump from the ground or from surface water. As such, the use of circular water is one of the spearheads in the Blue Deal that aims to better arm Flanders against the more extreme weather conditions we are facing. This project not only proves what Flanders can accomplish as an innovative region, it also allows us to guarantee water supply security for industry and our households in periods of prolonged drought.’

Flemish Minister of the Environment, Zuhal Demir

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